Wednesday, 12 October 2016

'' The Ugly Duckling"

                                            "The Ugly Duckling" 

Storytelling = relating to narration             Harm = hurt

Hacth = animals from eggs                          Pecked = bird: bite or pick with beak

Wonder = Be curious to know                      Wish = desire

Tuck = put discreetly                                    Bite = cut with teeth

Shelter = refuge                                            Cottage = small house

Sight = view                                                  Hen = chicken (female)

Drown = die in water                                    Liar = tells lies

Pond = small lake                                         Thicker = liquid: more viscous

Chase = pursue                                             Flap = move, beat wings

Bush = rural, forest area                              Swan = aquatic bird

Bend down = lean over

Resultado de imagen de the ugly duckling