Sunday, 12 March 2017


Hi Cristina! In the second term, conditionals sentences have been very usseful for me. Also, I learnt new vocabulary: phrasal verbs and related to Internet.

But there is one thing that I have to improve: listening. When I want to understand a song or a conversation, I try to understand as much as possible, but I only understand a bit.

I promise to improve this things in the last term.

This is my self-assesment of 2nd term. See you tomorrow in class. Bye!



It was freezing cold= Hacía un frío que pelaba

butler= mayordomo

Tears filled her eyes= Las lágrimas empaparon sus ojos

She held her head high= Mantuvo la cabeza alta

Guilty= Culpable


Mud= Barro  Well= Pozo  Nappies= Pañales  Laundry maid= lavandera

Starch= Almidón


Mouth's watered= Hacerse la boca agua           Buns= Bollos

Icing= Glaseado        Hemp= Cáñamo       Wooden logs= troncos de árbol


Transportation= Deportación   Scar= Cicatriz   Staw= hecho con paja

Trust someone= Confiar en       Relief= Alivio


To drown= Ahogarse   Deck= Cubierta   Training= Formación 

Starving= Hambriento,a   Black eye= Ojo morado


Tore open= Rasgar   Bruises= Moretones   Bad temper= Malhumorado

Qualified= Cualificado,a   Competent= Competente


Whistle= Silbido   Cabbages= Coles, repollos   Wounds= Heridas

Wiped= Secarse   Rougher= Más agitado


Unbearable= Inaguantable   Chest= Pecho   Upset= Molestar

Sunrise= Amanecer   Skin= Piel


Thursday, 9 March 2017


Interaction= interacción (people: communication)

Politeness= cortesía (good manners)

Diplomacy= diplomacia (skilful management of people)

rank= rango, nivel (degree of importace)

etiquette= etiqueta (social conventions)

tradition= tradición (custom)

consideration= consideración (esteem)

appreciation= reconocimiento (gratitude)

rudeness= grosería (lack of courtesy)

netiquette= normas de educación en Internet (internet: conventions of



1. Describe the voleyball court.

The field of voleyball measures 18 by 9m, that means, a center line divides the court in two halves of 9 x 9 m ech one. 3m separe the center line to the line of attack. The 3 players called "zagueros" can't pass, step or jump  the line of attack. The high of the net more or less is 2.43m for men and 2.24 for women.

2. Describe the score in voleyball.

When a team gets 25 points (with two points of difference over the opponent), they get a set. If the local team achieves 3 sets, they won the match. There's an exception: if the two teams are tied at 2 sets, they play a final set, but in that case, the teams only have to get 15 points, always with two points of difference.

3. Tell me two actions that you can do.

- You can touch the ball outside the limits if one of the members of your team has passed it to you.

- Each team can pass the ball to their players as maximum 2 times, after do that, they must smash the ball to the court of the another team.

4. Tell me two actions that you can't do.

- Touch the ball two times, except if you did a block before.

-  Pass completely the center line with one or both feet.

5. Tell me the logical order of playing

When the team that has serviced starts the match, the another team have to follow the next steps:

1) Reception: One player of the another team make a forearm pass to the other players of his team. Also, he can use the finger touch.

2) Set up: After doing the reception, another player of the team hit the ball with the fingertips to pass the ball to his partners. One of them will do the smash to pass the ball above the net.

3) Smash: It's the last touch. This hit can be make from the line of attack (3m) to the net. The goal of this hit is that the ball touches the field of the other team.

Thursday, 2 March 2017


Host= dar servicio de Internet (provide internet server)

Launch= lanzar (marketing: introduce)

Edit= editar (review)                              Upload= subir (transfer: computer data)

Access= acceso a (gain access to: information)

Comment= opinar (make remarks)        Respond= responder (reply, answer)

Log on= conectarse (to internet, system)

Registered= registrado,a (oficially recorded)

Bookmark= favorito (webpage: favourite)

Transfer= trasladar (convey from place to place)

Network= red (linked computer)

Wednesday, 1 March 2017


Aching muscles= dolor muscular                 Sore back= dolor de espalda

Stiff neck= rigidez en el cuello                     Swollen ankles= tobillo hinchado

Dislocated shoulders= hombro dislocado    Broken legs= pierna rota

Sprained wrist= esguince en la muñeca      Bruised knees= rodilla contusionada

Itchy skin= picor en la piel                           Allergic reactions= reacción alérgica


Cheer up= alegrarse (become happier)      Work out= ejercitarse (exercise)

Stress out= Estresarse (be tense and anxious)

Calm down= calmarse (become calmer) 

Slow down= disminuir la velocidad (reduce one's speed)

* Run around= correr por todas partes (go about things hurriedly)

Cut down= reducir (reduce)                          Chill out= relajarse (relax)

Open up= abrirse (share one's feelings)     * Troubles= dificultad (problem)

Face up to= plantar cara a algo (confront)

* It isn't a phrasal verb


Sick as a dog= enfermo como un perro, echar las tripas

Under the weather= indispuesto

Keep your chin up= al mal tiempo, buena cara

Top it off= para colmo, como remate

When it rains, it pours= por si no  hubiera poco, todavía más

Scarf [sth] down= zamparse

Lickety-split= en menos que canta un gallo

A little bird told me= un pajarito me dijo...  

Whale of time= disfrutar como un enano    Night owl= noctámbulo,a

Take the bull by the horns= cojer al toro por los cuernos 

Rat race= carrera de locos                          Eat crow= tragarse sus palabras

Call the dogs off= to stop threating (a person)

Get one's ducks in a row= tener la puesta a punto

Kick up your heels= pasarlo bien                 Vale of tears= valle de lágrimas

Knee-jerk reaction= reacción instintiva       Change of heart= cambio de opinión

A blessing in disguise= no hay mal que por bien no venga

Feel the pinch= estar en apuros                   Get on your nerves= crispar

No laughing matter= no va en broma          Hand to mouth= llevar la vida al día

Flat as a pancake= como calcomanía          Salad days= años mozos

Throw someone a bone= Give somebody something that not important

Eat someone alive= comerse a alguien vivo

Finger in the pie= formar parte de algo       You are toast!= ¡estás empanado!

Mealy-mouthed= poco claro al hablar         On the cheap= en plan cutre

Penny-pincher= tacaño,a

Cash in your chips= to finish a relationship with someone

Quick buck= dinero rápido                          Pass the buck= sacudirse las pulgas

Dollars for doughnuts= seguro que...

Give someone a run for their money= echar una mano

A fool and his money are soon parted= foolish people make purchases without
